Office of Leadership and Student Involvement
Diversity and Inclusion
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The Office of Leadership and Student Involvement is committed to creating a positive campus experience for all Southern Miss students. We work with a variety of student organizations each year from various backgrounds. Below is a listing of all of our diversity and inclusion related student organizations active at this time. For questions, email us at LSIFREEMississippi.
The African Caribbean Society celebrates the deep connection that African and Caribbean
countries have in the realization of the numerous students at USM that come from African/Caribbean
backgrounds and descent. ACS is a group of students of similar cultures and ethnic
backgrounds who come together and encourage, embrace and appreciate our heritage.
We also wish to foster an environment that encourages people from outside cultures
and ethnicities to join the society to learn about African and Caribbean culture and
the semantics of our nationalities and history.
President: madousarahfabian.mahoroFREEMississippi
The Afro-American Student Organization at The University of Southern Mississippi promotes academic, social, and cultural wellness for all students who attend the University. The organization proposes to provide academic, social, and cultural activities for students who are concerned with African American interest, both on campus and in the community. These activities shall include such things as social functions, campus orientation for new students, and assistance for members to promote scholarship and group discussions on topics of mutual interest and to promote better race relations within the University and in the community.
President: azariah.russFREEMississippi
We, the members of The Association of Women in Mathematics at Southern Miss, hereby
associate ourselves to form a community of students who are interested in mathematics
which specifically will promote the following:
(a) an increased knowledge of and greater interest in the mathematical sciences, including
pure and applied mathematics, statistics, and their applications;
(b) a greater understanding of the contributions of women in the mathematical sciences;
(c) mentoring and encouraging women and girls as they prepare for careers in the mathematical
All are welcome, any student, any Major!
President: Chandler.ShimpFREEMississippi
The Arabic Language Club aims to provide students with the opportunity to learn and explore the Arabic language and culture in a community setting. We aim to make this club an exciting, unique experience for anyone interested. Although learning a new language may be challenging, having peers and supporters around can make it very enjoyable for everyone. Providing fun and unique experiences for college students is important. This club will allow students to have the option to learn a new language without having to worry about it affecting their GPA/grades.
President: Sara.BeautiFREEMississippi
Our organization works under the auspice of the National Association of Black Journalist. We educate our members and the University’s community about the history of the NABJ, as well as the issues the Association seeks to address in the journalism industry. We also interact and collaborate with fellow student chapters in journalism- related matters, and assist in the establishment of new student chapters.
President: Raven.DayFREEMississippi
The Bangladeshi Student Association is a non-political, secular organization with the following purposes: A. To promote campus awareness and appreciation of the beauty, language, culture, history, and geography of Bangladesh. B. To provide support for the Bangladeshi students at USM. C. To develop skills in leadership, program organization, communication, initiative, and self-reliance among the members.
President: shazeedul.karimFREEMississippi
Bridge's mission is to foster mentorship and education within the School of Speech and Hearing Sciences, to better support and understand the complexities of diversity as it relates to our field.
President: taylor.boykinFREEMississippi
We are an organization that celebrates the Spanish language and various Hispanic/Latinx cultures.
Not yet registered for 23-24
Sexuality and Gender Equity's (SAGE) mission is to facilitate safe spaces for queer people and educate the USM campus with events and conversations on queer topics. By promoting knowledge and safety, we hope to create long-term change and a body of activists for queer progress. We hope to make USM a campus where all people, queer or not, feel that they have a place to be authentically themselves.
President: Andrew.H.LeFREEMississippi
The USM Golden Eagle Inter-tribal Society (GEIS), is an student organization at USM that focuses on building community for Native students and others who are interested in what is happening in Indian Country. GEIS educates and informs our University and broader communities about the ancient, historical and contemporary presence of American Indians in the Southeast.
President: Corey.EakesFREEMississippi
The Graduate Students of Color Alliance (GSOCA) at the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) is an organization established for People of Color (POC) and associated allies who are in pursuit of or have attained a graduate degree.
President: Lanecko.BaileyFREEMississippi
We are an organization that believes in uplifting women and serving the community. I.D.E.A.L. serves as an acronym for Intelligent, Dignified, Elegant, Ambitious, Leaders. Affiliates of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs that was organized on July 21, 1896. The NACWC is the oldest African-American secular organization in existence today. Together we form a sisterhood that is empowering and challenging us to becoming a better leader.
President: adijah.lenardFREEMississippi
We promote diversity, equity, and inclusion through increasing the success and retention of historically underrepresented students in STEM (ex. scholars of color, women, LGBTQIA+, low-income, first-generation, disabled, and undocumented students). We ascribe ourselves to assist students in these underrepresented groups (i.e., informal gatherings, beneficial workshops, social events, etc.), provide mentor/mentee relationships, invite speakers to share their experiences, participate in relevant national conferences, lead local STEM outreach efforts, and initiate efforts for future diversity-enhanced recruitment.
Not yet registered for 23-24
The mission of this organisation is to help and give guidance for the new coming Indian students. And to recall the festivals that we celebrate in our home country.
President: w10179546FREEMississippi
We, the members of the Latinx Student Association at Southern Miss, hereby associate ourselves to promote unity, diversity and appreciation of latin culture at the University of Southern Mississippi. We aim to educate our community on latin culture, uplift those of similar backgrounds, and develop a more inclusive community for every student on this campus. We will achieve these goals through the creation of a secure zone where people of latin backgrounds, and those who want to learn more about it, can come together to share and educate others on different cultures. In addition, we will strive to encourage those of a minority background to succeed in their educational, career related and/or personal endeavors.
President: karla.lalamaperaltaFREEMississippi
Men of Excellence is a community service based organization that works to better the image of all males here on campus, emphasizing educationally enriched programs and building a foundation of excellence. We serve our campus and community with pride and integrity while maintaining respect for ourselves and others and excel in all endeavors we choose to undertake individually and collectively.
President: zacchaeus.wallaceFREEMississippi
The overall goal of the program is to assist universities and colleges in diversifying the nation's science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce by increasing the number of STEM baccalaureate and graduate degrees awarded to populations historically underrepresented in these disciplines.
President: kayla.a.whiteFREEMississippi
MAPS organization that provide under-represented pre-medical students with knowledge, skills, and experiences that are both prerequisites and connected to professional participation in health care fields.
- Support future underrepresented minority students.
- Equipped them with knowledge and resources necessary to accomplish their goal of
becoming a medical doctor and serving their communities.
President: Kirsten.StewartFREEMississippi
Southern Miss MSA is a student organization that provides a welcoming community for a variety of religions, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds. Muslims as well as those who are interested in Islam can ask questions, talk about their personal experiences, and meet friends in a safe, accepting environment. This organization strives to unite students who will encourage one another to increase in faith and spread factual information about Islam.
President: s.shahidFREEMississippi
We, the members of the University of Southern Mississippi Chapter of the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People, hereby associate ourselves to improve
the political, educational, social and economic status of minority groups; to eliminate
racial discrimination; and to take all lawful action to secure its elimination, consistent
with the efforts of the national organization and in conformity with the Articles
of Incorporation of the Association, its Constitution and By-Laws and as directed
by the National Board of Directors.
In addition, its obligations shall be to inform students of the problems affecting
blacks and other minority groups, to advance the economic, educational, social and
political status of black people and other minority groups and their harmonious cooperation
with other peoples; to stimulate and appreciation of the black man’s contribution
to civilization. To develop an intelligent, militant, effective leadership. These
objectives shall be pursued in accordance with the policies of the Association within
the framework of University regulations.
President: nuriel.perkinsFREEMississippi
The National Pan-Hellenic Council is comprised of nine predominately black fraternities and sororities. These organizations were established to help students excel in their academics, community involvement opportunities, and relationships with their peers. For a full listing of NPHC organizations, visit the FSL website.
President: victoria.a.waltersFREEMississippi
Our mission is to preserve and share the culture and traditions with the Nepalese students here at the University of Southern Mississippi. It is also our mission to share our wonderful culture with different cultures, and promote our values. It is important for us to organize events, festivals, and fund-raising programs to involve our Nepalese family and other friends as well. The goal is to promote our traditions and values living here in Hattiesburg.
President: saroj.upretiFREEMississippi
The Association seeks to engage in social, intellectual, and cultural collaborations within itself as well as between the Association and other bodies within USM.
President: abdulsalam.adegokeFREEMississippi
The mission of the Pakistani Students Club at Southern Miss is to promote our culture and to develop international understanding, goodwill, and interaction between Pakistani, international, and domestic students. It will also create a sense of unity and welfare for the students which would help them to develop internationally transferable skills. Also, it would aid in the building of global networks and increase international engagement. It will also promote diversity within the University of Southern Mississippi. The other purpose of this society is to act as a support network that will help future Pakistani students communicate with current undergraduate and graduate students.
President: s.shahidFREEMississippi
Our organization encourages women to use their voice to evoke change, while also exploring womanhood and the intersections of our existence. We also are the face of boldness and confidence.
President: T’
Special Olympics College at Southern Miss, hereby associate ourselves to serve as leaders within our schools, colleges/universities, and communities. We will focus on providing a place where young people can participate in leadership, physical fitness, demonstrating courage, and campus engagement. Members can be involved in inclusive sports such as flag-football, basketball, cheering, quidditch, and etc.
We are an inclusive (with and without disabilities) organization that connects both college students (partners) and individuals with disabilities (Special Olympic Athletes) through sports to build teamwork that promotes health, social justice, awareness, and acceptance.
Contact: Robert.CarleyFREEMississippi
We, the members of The University of Southern Mississippi Students for Human Rights, hereby associate ourselves as a student led interdisciplinary alliance in order to bring about social justice through the actions of its members for those who have been oppressed, neglected, marginalized and/or victimized.
President: sara.cavicchiFREEMississippi
The Nations is an organization that focuses on building community and relationships between students from all over the world represented at Southern Miss, as well as providing opportunities to learn and share about other cultures through different meetings and events.
President: enzo.fedatoferreiraFREEMississippi
The USM Amine Club provides a space where students can share their mutual love and interest in Japanese animation and culture alike on the Hattiesburg campus. This club exists for the purpose of meeting others of similar interests that may have before been deemed "weird" while studying the wide range of Japanese animation, or "anime" that exist. Overall, the USM Anime Club is a fun place to make friends with like-minded people.
President: Dalton.WoodFREEMississippi
The University of Southern Mississippi Vietnamese Student Association is a non-profit organization that strives to teach others about the culture of Vietnam. By hosting social and fundraising events, we are able to make a presence known on campus for anyone in the community welcomed to appreciate the Vietnamese culture.
President: dennilyn.hoangFREEMississippi
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) aims to offer an environment that bolsters women in STEM fields. This organization is open to all members of the USM community who want to support women in STEM and learn about some of the great female leaders in the field. This organization aims to offer a place for active scientific outreach to the surrounding community, and while it aims encourage young women to pursue a career in STEM, we encourage anyone with an interest in STEM to join us.
President: zoe.lequeuxFREEMississippi
Our vision for Women's Empowerment Association is to uplift, empower and inspire women of all cultures.
President: jordan.m.thomasFREEMississippi
Additionally, we encourage all organizations to work towards creating spaces that welcome all Southern Miss students. We provide the following resources for student organizations:
Anti-Racist and Allyship Information
We are also available for consultations or workshops surrounding diversity and inclusion in student organizations. To inquire, email us at LSIFREEMississippi.